Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Hello there Everybody,

I am sure you are in the throws of shopping, cooking, cleaning, going to parties, giving parties, and tending to your business while all the hoopla is going on. I sincerely hope you are having a good time and are not too stressed. Holiday time can be tiring and stressful. Pop on over to Starbuck's and have a latte, all alone, in peace and in a festive environment. That's what I do when things close in on me.

Have you put up your tree yet? Yes, you must. No copping out. You will be so glad you did. Just stay up all night and do it. You'll look a little bleary eyed in the morning, but so does everyone else this time of year.

I personally can't think of anything but fun and eating during the holidays. Yes, I count my blessings ( not calories) and give thanks for having food to eat, great friends and family, work I love, and a place to hang my hat. Obviously, I wish that for everyone. I think about our soldiers in Iraq and wonder how their Christmas is going to be. Two of my young male cousins are in the military in Iraq right now.

Karen and I have been having fun "shopping" for all of you. Check out our work in In our line up, we have included items that we, ourselves like from the merchants that we represent. Remember, when you make a purchase, you are buying from the merchant ( Hammacher Schlemmer, Red Envelope, White Flower Farm, igourmet, Swarovski, etc), not from us. But please go through our website so that we get credit. When you make a purchase through us from Red Envelope, only Red Envelope has your Visa or Mastercard, not us. We represent only highly reputable and well established companies. I say this in case you are concerned about the safety of purchasing over the internet. I used to be timid about it myself until I learned that using a credit card over the internet (purchasing from a reputable company) is safer than handing your card to a waiter in a restaurant. That being said, if you are not familiar with a particular website, and the site seems kind of questionable, then it's best to avoid it.

Our merchants are offering all kinds of great deals for Christmas and the holidays, from free shipping to big discounts. We can't possibly publish all the bargains in Shopsicle.

Click "resources" in the top left menu bar of Shopsicle home page. Click directly into our merchants' websites to view their whole collections and find out about sales and discounts.

Karen and I want to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas, a Happy Channukah, Happy Kwaanza, and a prosperous and healthy New Year.

As ever, Joan